Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is it Big or Small

(Talking to Katelyn while she's on the toilet)

Daddy: So is it big or small?

(not knowing the idiom, looks into the toilet she's sitting on and turns around and hand gestures a size)
It was about this big, but now it's 2 pieces of this big

Daddy: I didn't need to know that!

Daddy: (laughs with a big girlish grin)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Second letter to Cadence

Tears rolled out of my eyes when I saw this picture. No child should ever be put in this situation!

Dear Baby,

It has now been 48 hours since you've been admitted into the hospital. Your condition is more stable and you're sleeping much better. Mummy has come to realize that the most difficult road is actually still ahead - the recovery stage. As you're floating in and out of your sleep, waking up crying because of the pain, it breaks my heart to see you suffer. I feel completely helpless and can't explain how painful it is for me to see you suffer and not be able to ease your pain. I know it's not good for you but mummy can't stop myself from breaking down when I see you yelping in pain and calling "mama", "mama"!

I'm so sorry I can't help you and you have to be in this predicament. I can't even begin to explain how horrible that utter helplessness feeling that a mother feels because she can't help her child. I so wish that no mothers ever need to suffer what I'm going through at this very moment.

Baby, mummy needs to be strong for you. God, please give me the strength to move on. Give me the courage to stay strong and show Cadence that she will be okay. I need to be a role model for her. I need you more than ever, please be with us, guide us and protect us. I will do whatever it takes to keep my baby safe. We have many dear friends and family that are praying for our little angel. God...

Please bless that Cadence will come out of this ordeal with as little pain and suffering as possible.

Please bless that we will all get through this as a family and our relationship will be stronger

Please bless that this experience will make us all better people

Please bless that this experience will help us cherish life, family and all the people that loves us dearly.

Baby, mummy knows that you will be just fine. Stay strong and don't give up - I want to see your beautifuI, glowing smile again. Mummy loves you more than you'll ever know.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Please pray for Baby Cadence

On November 24th, our baby niece Cadence, a 1 year old baby, was a victim of a terrible burn accident while she was vacationing with her parents in China. I was debating if I should share this with the public internet, but I think it'll be a good thing to read back on...
...when we all come out of this stronger.

This is the letter from my sister Lisa to her dear daughter:

Dear baby,

It's 4:30am and mommy is waiting beside you in the Burn unit of the ICU in Guangzhou. A horrible accident happened that left you with over 50% of your body heavily burnt. The doctor says that there is a chance that you won't survive this and you won't be safe until 72 hours from the accident. I told the doctor that you are a fighter and that I know you will make it. I know he's only trying to scare me so I won't blame him. I refuse to accept anything that coward says because I believe my baby is strong enough to survive. You've never even been sick even one day ever since you were born, I know you'll make it through. Mommy looked the doctor right in the eye and told him straight up that my baby will be okay. You're only 13 months and you've shown us that you always fight for what you want you and you never give up on anything - you definitely have my personality.

Baby, please prove mommy right. Please make it through, I love you so much I can't imagine life without you!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Daddy stay at work longer

(Katelyn talking to Daddy in the car)

Katelyn: Oh Daddy, can you stay at work longer so you can buy me a big box for my birthday with a pink ring, a glove, a purse, an Ariel dress, and a crown?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I want to born this egg

(Katelyn taking out an egg from the fridge)

Daddy: What are you doing with that egg?

Katelyn: Daddy, I have to born this egg.

Daddy: Only chickens can hatch the egg.

Katelyn: Well, I can act like a chicken. Buck, buck! Buck, buck! (as she flaps her arms like wings)

Truffles, not shuffles.

(Eric talking to Jody)

I made truffles at school the other day.

Eric: Cool, I love truffles!

Katelyn: Hey I did shuffles at ballet!